Wednesday, March 20, 2013

10 Things About You Challenge -DAY 3 - 3 Films

I saw this challenge on Blush Bug and totally loved it.. So I thought I would totally do it too. It's cute and maybe some of you want to know things about me. :) So today is the third day and its for films. Again another hard one for me. I love Movies. I go like every week. I work for movie studios and get to see everything that comes out. So I am always looking out for the next big fun movie.

My favorite 3 movies are in no particular order are

P S I Love You. I literally cry from the beginning of this movie until it ends. The movie starts out with Hilary Swank and her husband fighting in a really passionate fight. I lost my high school sweetheart almost 3 years ago. He and I were broken but loved each other unconditionally. It just brings back all that emotion that he and I had. I mean I will love him for the rest of my life. But I am in love with the guy I am with now. He is the love of my life. But he was my first love, so many things happened in my life while I was with him that I can never change. Ok more then you asked for. I am fairly too open about myself.

Next movie is Serendipity. I love this film. I am in love with both Kate Beckinsale and John Cusack.(I met him last year at a book fair for The Raven, I have a giant signed poster in my room. And Kate I almost ran into at Comic Con 5 years ago. I am still beating myself up for getting there a little bit too late.) I love the idea that if you are supposed to be with someone fate will bring you together. My boyfriend and I met over 10 years ago. We both liked each other but I was falling in love with my first love. We lost contact and then his death brought me home to my old stomping grounds and there he was and he made sure I didn't leave without agreeing to a date. Now 3 years later I am more in love with him everyday. I am growing as a person because of him. I am more then blessed that he is in my life.

The last movie is Your Highness. I know its soooo bad. But I just die from laughing the whole movie. I love Danny McBride in it. It's beyond funny. I so want to watch it right now. LOL.

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