Friday, July 12, 2013

Harvey's Disney Purse Good Evil The Little Mermaid

So I really love the Disney Harvey bags and I have been drooling over them for a while. This week I was treated to a purse by my mother's boyfriend. He said I needed a new purse and took me to Downtown Disney to pick up any purse that I would like. Now I have been drooling over the Ariel purse for a since they put it out in stores. I saw so many purses that I really really wanted, but this purse was the one that I had really wanted for a while. I decided to not really look at any other purses and get the one I wanted.

I really love The Little Mermaid so this was a must have for me. The entire collection of the Disney Good and Evil is just plain gorgeous. I love that it's the evil villain and the beautiful princess.

The whole collection is straight up beautiful. I love each of them. I wish I had the money to buy all of them. I love the Aurora one second to my Ariel one. I think the Snow White one is pretty, but my least favorite.


  1. You got that seatbelt purse?!!! I saw these recently and the price tag stopped me from getting one. Lucky you! They are adorable. I love that it is 2 sided.

  2. Yeah I am totally in love with it. The price tag would have stopped me too. I got lucky I have someone who adores me.


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