Monday, April 8, 2013


I heard so many people talking about using Biotin to make your nails, hair and skin grow longer, stronger and look really glowing.

I didn't really think it would help much because I know a lot of people say a lot of things about vitamins and they are overly talked up. Yet I tried the Biotin because a lot of people really had good things to say about it.

Of course the day I was going to take pictures I broke 4 of my nails trying to open my mail box, because my mail man put a box that was too big for the mailbox into it. It was crazy hard too open, I got it open all excited and it was for my roommate :(.

But none the less I really totally believe in it and I buy mine at Sprouts whenever I get low. Read up on it. Be informed and tell me if it works for you.

1 comment:

  1. I just started taking Biotin myself 4 weeks ago and it's really too soon to tell much difference in my hair and nails, but by summer I should be seeing the results. I heard about it from a nurse at work when I commented on how long her hair had grown and how beautiful it was and she shared her secret, Biotin. So I am trying this too. I get it at HEB and it's just store label, but I'm hoping this will help me too.


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